“The Faith in the Vaccine ambassador program was launched by an interfaith community as a way to lessen the spread of misconceptions about the COVID-19 vaccine. 12 North Park students, including myself, were selected as vaccine ambassadors. 在克里斯汀·阿伦森的指导下, 北公园的学前健康顾问, we were able to provide vaccines to many people.”
- Dhruvi Patel C ' 22,生物医学科学
“As a person who has always felt a calling to service, I was inspired by the Bible’s teachings that we must be good stewards of the earth. This led me to become co-president of the Green Team club at North Park and lead an initiative to have the cafeteria compost foods.”
— Christopher Lempa C’18, Marketing and Spanish
本学年是第130个学年th anniversary of the founding of North Park University–and one of the ways we will celebrate is by sharing 130 stories of North Park students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 和朋友. 我们社区的故事, 跨代, 学术领域, 员工的部门, 职业, 信仰之旅.
You’re invited to watch this video, and to join in the celebration by sharing your own story here: xbiadg.mofabook.net/share130/
North Park is located in 芝加哥’s Albany Park and North Park neighborhoods, drawing upon the extraordinary educational assets of a world-class city.
Get to know the organizations, resources, and opportunities that will enrich your time at North Park.